The play is also known for its Broadway production featuring actors Jeff Daniels, James Gandolfini, Marcia Gay Harden and Hope Davis. The play follows two sets of parents attempting to discuss a playground dispute between their children. Stageworks, a local theatre group in Cy-Fair, will present “God of Carnage,” a play by Yasmina Reza originally published in 2008. With a smaller pool of actors and a responsibility to adhere to COVID-19 precautions, Stageworks Theatre is gearing up to present a personal, controversial play with a compact cast. 1 for the first time since March 2020 due to COVID-19, nearly selling out the final weekends of the show. Stageworks opened for a seasonal show, Spamalot, On Oct.
Courtesy of Stageworks Theatre Show More Show Less 2 of3 The theatre has been running shows again with health and safety measures in place. Actors in a Stageworks production perform with masks.